Mahanarayan Taila (Oil): Uses, Benefits, & Side Effects

In Ayurveda, Mahanarayan Taila (Mahanarayana Thailam) has been used for centuries to treat various ailments, such as arthritis, anxiety, headaches, and many others.

In this blog post, we will dig out the topic to get the essential information about Mahanarayan Taila (Mahanarayan Oil) right from its uses and benefits to side effects, dosage, ingredients, etc. So, let’s quickly jump into the topic.

What is Mahanarayan Taila (Mahanarayana Thailam)?

Mahanarayan Taila is a blend of sesame oil and several medicinal herbs that improves the strength of the joints, muscles, and bones.

Mahanarayana Thailam is generally used externally for all types of arthritic disorders, especially osteoarthritis. It has a soothing effect and reduces joint inflammation and muscle fatigue.

It provides instant pain relief in osteoarthritis when taken orally.

Mahanarayan Taila is also known by names like:

  • Mahanarayan Oil
  • Mahanarayan Tail
  • Mahanarayan Thailam
  • Mahanarayan Tailam
  • Mahanarayan Tel
  • Mahanarayana Thailam

What Are The Ingredients (Composition) of Mahanarayan Taila (Mahanarayan Oil)?

Ingredients (Composition) of Mahanarayan Taila (or Mahanarayana Thailam) include the ones listed below (1):

Herbs needed for decoction

Common Name of the IngredientScientific Name of the IngredientQuantity of the Ingredient
Atibala (Indian Mallow)Abutilon Indicum960 grams
Indian Bael (Bilva) rootAegle Marmelos960 grams
ParibhadraErythrina variegata960 grams
Ashwagandha (Indian ginseng)Withania somnifera960 grams
AgnimanthaPremna Serratifolia960 grams
Brihati (Indian Nightshade) rootSolanum Indicum960 grams
KantakariSolanum Xanthocarpum960 grams
GokshuraTribulus Terrestris960 grams
PunarnavaBoerhavia Diffusa960 grams
ShyonakaOroxylum Indicum960 grams
PrasariniPaederia foetida960 grams
Bala (Country Mallow) rootSida Cordifolia960 grams
PatalaStereospermum Suaveolens960 grams
Water for decoction 98.304 liters

* The aforementioned herbs and water are used to make the decoction, and water is reduced to one-fourth (¼) i.e.24.576 liters.

Ingredients For Base Oil

Common Name of the IngredientScientific Name of The IngredientQuantity of the Ingredient
Sesame Oil (Til Tail)Sesamum Indicum6.144 liters
Goat milk or Cow milk 6.144 liters
Shatavari JuiceAsparagus Racemosus6.144 liters

Herbs needed for Kalka (paste)

Common Name of the IngredientScientific Name of the IngredientQuantity of the Ingredient
MamsiNardostachys jatamansi96 grams
RasnaPluchea Lanceolata96 grams
MishiAnethum Sowa96 grams
Ashwagandha (Indian Ginseng)Withania somnifera96 grams
NagakesharaMesua ferrea96 grams
DevdaruCedrus Deodara96 grams
MudgaparniPhaseolus trilobus96 grams
PrishnaparniUraria Picta96 grams
ShalaparniDesmodium gangeticum96 grams
MashaparniTeramnus Labialis96 grams
Mustak (Nut grass or Abda)Cyperus Rotundus96 grams
Haridra (Turmeric)Curcuma longa96 grams
Kushta (Indian Costus)Saussurea Lappa96 grams
ChandanaPterocarpus santalinus96 grams
PushkaraInula Racemosa96 grams
Cardamom (Ela)Elettaria cardamomum96 grams
Agaru (Agarwood)Aquilaria Agallocha96 grams
Yashtimadhu (Licorice)Glycyrrhiza Glabra96 grams
Rock Salt (Saindhav Namak)—-96 grams
Tagara (Indian Valerian)Valeriana Wallichii96 grams
PatraCinnamomum tamala96 grams
BhringarajaEclipta Alba96 grams
ChorakaAngelica glauca96 grams
DaruhaldiBerberis Aristata96 grams
Kesar (Saffron)Crocus Sativus48 grams
Karpoora (Camphor)Cinnamomum camphora48 grams
Manjistha (Indian Madder)Rubia Cordifolia96 grams
Musk (Mrigamada) —48 grams
Titabhamt (Sthauneya)Clerodendrum Infortunatum96 grams
ShaileyaParmelia Perlata96 grams
VrishchikaliBoerhavia Erecta96 grams
Vacha (Sweet flag)Acorus Calamus96 grams
AmbuPavonia Odorata96 grams
RishabhakaMalaxis muscifera96 grams
Jivaka (Jeevak)Crepidium acuminatum96 grams
MedaPolygonatum verticillatum96 grams
MahamedaPolygonatum cirrhifolium96 grams
KakoliRoscoea purpurea96 grams
Ksheera KakoliLilium polyphyllum96 grams
VriddhiHabenaria edgeworthii96 grams
RiddhiHabenaria intermedia96 grams

The mixture is boiled and simmered until only the oil is left, and the filtered part you get after sieving is Mahanarayan Taila (or Mahanarayana Thailam).

What Are The Therapeutic Indications of Mahanarayan Taila (Mahanarayana Thailam)?

According to Ayurveda, Mahanarayana Thailam is indicated in Vata diseases (i.e. diseases that occur due to aggravated Vata), which are mainly related to bones, nerves, joints, and muscles.


Important indications of Mahanarayan Taila (Mahanarayan Oil) are:

  • Monoplegia
  • Paralysis
  • Tremors
  • Fever
  • Bone fracture
  • Paraplegia
  • Hemiplegia
  • Tendon tear
  • Hearing loss or deafness
  • Infertility
  • Emaciation
  • Intestinal Gas and bloating
  • Toothache
  • Neck rigidity/Torticollis
  • Lockjaw
  • Kyphosis
  • Hypoglossal Nerve Palsy
  • Senility
  • Lock Jaw or Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder
  • Mania/Psychosis

What Are The Uses and Benefits of Mahanarayan Taila (Mahanarayana Thailam)?

Mahanarayana Thailam is frequently applied topically and used for massages because it is thought to have some calming and healing effects. This Ayurvedic oil can help with a wide range of health issues, like arthritis, inflammation, anxiety, headaches, stress, etc. It is typically used to treat sore joints and muscles.

Some Ayurvedic practitioners assert that using Mahanarayan oil will enhance sexual performance, improve blood circulation, and reduce lung congestion.

This oil is used to treat Vata imbalances. Aggravated Vata can cause digestive issues, hypertension, arthritis, and constipation.

As Mahanarayan Taila is made from rich oils and various medicinal herbs, it provides a number of advantages. It’s each ingredient has soothing, and anti-inflammatory properties, and various health benefits.

Using Mahanarayan Taila (oil) topically has the following benefits:


1) Mahanarayan Taila Benefits for pain

Mahanarayan oil is a blend of herbs and oils that have anti-arthritic and emollient properties, making it a natural pain reliever.

2) Mahanarayana Thailam Benefits for Inflammation

Turmeric is one of the ingredients of Mahanarayan oil and has strong anti-inflammatory properties. Curcumin, the strong compound present in turmeric, is well-known to reduce inflammation and increase immunity.

3) Mahanarayan Taila is Helpful in Calming the nerves

The use of Mahanarayana Thailam will help you in relieving stressful feelings. This oil is very beneficial for a sensitive nervous system due to the presence of some relaxing ingredients like Ashwagandha and Tagara. It also helps to relieve anxiety.

4) Mahanarayana Thailam nourishes muscles and nerves

This oil nourishes muscles and nerves and hence has a strong therapeutic impact on spondylosis, paralysis, facial palsy, and the wasting of muscles.

5) Mahanarayan Taila Improves blood flow

Gentle massage of Mahanarayana Thailam on the affected area for 20 to 30 minutes, can increase blood circulation and helps reduce stiffness. Regular massages with this oil break up blockages and stimulate healing.

6) Mahanarayana Thailam soothes aching joints and muscles

Because of the presence of ingredients like clove, ginger, and turmeric in Mahanarayan Taila, this potent Ayurvedic oil is able to combat swelling and pain in joints and muscles.

7) Mahanarayan Taila aids in easy movements of joints

Mahanarayan Oil helps to lubricate the joints, reduce inflammation and pain; and thus aids easy movements of joints.

Oral use Of Mahanarayan Taila (Mahanarayan Oil)

Generally, Mahanarayan Oil is used topically for the massage of joints in osteoarthritis, but this oil provides significant pain relief and improves joint flexibility when consumed orally.

5 ml of Mahanarayana Oil (Thailam) should be consumed with milk twice a day. Consuming this oil for a week can reduce joint pain and stiffness, and improve joint flexibility.

Osteoarthritis is called Sandhigata-Vata in Ayurveda. Vata Dosha is responsible for the wear and tear of the cartilage in Sandhigata Vata. Mahanarayan Taila pacifies Vata Dosha and has protective effects against wear and tear of the cartilage. When used internally, it provides symptomatic relief within the first week of its use.

What Are The Side Effects Of Mahanarayan Taila (Mahanarayan Oil)?

Side Effects of Mahanarayan Taila When Used Externally

Mahanarayan Taila is usually safe to use externally and has no negative side effects when massaged on the affected parts.

Side Effects of Mahanarayana Thailam When Taken Orally

This oil does not have any side effects when it is consumed wisely and according to the doctor’s directions. But if it is given orally to individuals who have poor digestive systems or are suffering from Ama Dosha conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, it may deteriorate their symptoms.

The most common side effects of Mahanarayan Oil, when taken orally, are:

  • Heartburn
  • Loss of appetite
  • Restlessness
  • Acid reflux

What is The Dosage of Mahanarayan Taila (Mahanarayana Thailam)?

Mahanarayan Taila can be consumed orally or used externally as a massage oil.

mahanarayan oil massage

External Use of Mahanarayana Thailam

This Taila can be massaged on the affected parts. For best results, its massage must be done for at least 40 minutes.

This oil can also be used externally for other ayurvedic procedures like Janubasti, etc.

Oral Use (Internal Administration) of Mahanarayan Taila

The general oral dosage of Mahanarayan Taila is 3 to 5 ml, once or twice a day, with warm water or milk before meals.

But its oral dose should be given to the patient who has a good appetite so that he/she can digest this oil easily without any trouble.

What are the Alternatives to Mahanarayan Taila (Mahanarayan Oil)? 

While Mahanarayan oil undoubtedly has many advantages, there are several Ayurvedic oils that are also highly effective and can be used as a replacement. They can also be used to balance the doshas and reduce pain and inflammation.

For instance, Brahmi oil can be applied topically to treat sleeplessness and anxiety. Bhringaraj oil can also help you lower your stress levels while improving the condition of your hair.

Consider aromatherapy massage if you’re seeking a natural remedy that helps you reduce pain and muscular tension while also providing deep relaxation.


Mahanarayan Taila (Mahanarayana Thailam) is well-known Ayurvedic oil with numerous health benefits. Mahanarayan oil, which is based on an antiquated Ayurvedic formula, is a blend of herbs and oils with rejuvenating properties. It’s a great choice for those who like to stay active and feel energized.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long to use Mahanarayan Taila?

For external use, this oil can be used for a longer period of time.

But for oral use, it should not be used for more than three to four months.

What is the effect of Mahanarayan Oil on Tridosha?

This oil balances Vata and Pitta Dosha.

Can Mahanarayan Oil be used on hair?

It is safe to apply this oil to hair. For treating headaches, depression, migraine, etc. it is applied on the head and scalp.

How to Use Mahanarayana Thailam for massage?

This oil is gently massaged on the affected area where there is pain until the oil is absorbed. Then cover the massaged area with flannel cloth or cotton.

Its massage can be done 2-3 times a day.


1) Bhaishajya Ratnavali, Vatavyadhi Rogadhikara, Chapter 26


This article is intended for informational purposes only. Any information associated with this article should not be considered a substitute for prescriptions suggested by local healthcare professionals.

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