Ashokarishta Syrup: Uses, Benefits, & Side Effects

What is Ashokarishta Syrup?

In today’s restless life, we keep on using various home remedies and products made from Ayurvedic herbs to prevent minor illnesses. Among these products, the name Ashokarishta syrup is very important, and it has many health benefits according to Ayurveda. It is a traditional ayurvedic liquid preparation, which is prepared from the bark of the Ashoka tree, Dhataki, jaggery, Haritaki, Musta, and Amalaki.

Ashokarishta (or Ashokarishtam) is a well-known Ayurvedic uterine tonic that is used to treat menstrual disorders in women such as excessive menstrual bleeding, imbalanced female hormones, irregular menstrual cycles, ovarian cysts, and abdominal pain. It may be beneficial in all underlying causes of uterine bleeding.

This syrup helps to lower inflammation, improve digestion, and increase hemoglobin. It also has mild estrogenic and act antioxidant properties.

What Are The Medicinal Properties Of Ashokarishta Syrup?

Ashokarishtam has the following healing properties:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Digestive Stimulant
  • Carminative
  • Mild estrogenic
  • Haematinic (increases hemoglobin levels)
  • Antioxidant
  • Adaptogenic
  • Muscle relaxant

Ashokarishta can be helpful in the following health conditions:

  • Metrorrhagia (excessive uterine bleeding)
  • Menorrhagia (menstrual periods with abnormally heavy or prolonged bleeding)
  • Dysmenorrhea (painful periods)
  • Diminished digestive fire
  • Bleeding Disorders
  • Loss of Appetite
  • Bleeding Piles
  • Imbalanced hormones
  • Inflammation
  • Anorexia
  • Low bone mineral density
  • Increased level of testosterone in the blood
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease
  • Ovarian cysts or poly-cystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) – Along with Chandraprabha vati
  • Uterine polyps and fibroid (Along With Kanchnaar Guggul)

What are the Ingredients (Composition) of Ashokarishta Syrup?

Ashokarishta is a very useful Ayurvedic syrup. Its main ingredient is the bark of the Ashoka tree. It contains the following ingredients:

Common name of the IngredientScientific Name of the ingredientQuantity Used
Ashoka  bark of the tree)Saraca asoka4.8 kg
Kalonji (Nigella)Nigella sativa48 grams
Daruharidra Berberis aristata48 grams
Ginger (rhizome)Zingiber Officinale48 grams
Dhataki’s flowersWoodfordia fruticosa768 grams
VibhitakiTerminalia bellerica48 grams
HaritakiTerminalia chebula48 grams
Mango (seed)Mangifera indica48 grams
Nagarmotha (Mustak) rootCyperus rotundus48 grams
Utpala (flowers)Nymphaea stellata48 grams
Amla (or Amalaki)Emblica Officinalis48 grams
Chandan (Sandalwood)Santalum album48 grams
Adusa (Vasa)Adhatoda vasica48 grams
Cumin seed (Jeeraka)Cuminum cyminum48 grams
JaggerySaccharum officinarum9.6 kg
Water (for Decoction)49.152 liters

What are the Nutrients Found in Ashokarishta Syrup?

Ashokarishta is a traditional Ayurvedic medicine prepared by using Ashoka bark along with other herbs and natural ingredients.

In this way, the chemicals present in its constituents can be seen as its nutrients, and among them carbohydrates, tannins, glycosides, flavonoids, alkaloids, etc. are prominent. It prevents various types of health-related problems.

What are the Uses and Benefits of Ashokarishta Syrup?

Uses and Health Benefits Of Ashokarishta syrup are:

1) Benefits of Ashokarishta Syrup during the Menstrual Cycle

Ashokarishta provides relief from menstrual discomfort and is also helpful in maintaining a regular menstrual cycle.

Research has found that this syrup can regulate the blood and reproductive system and helps in correcting abnormal hormonal conditions along with providing nutrition to women. Along with this, it also helps in maintaining a regular menstrual cycle. It can also be helpful in reducing discomforts such as backache and abdominal pain during the menstrual cycle (1).

2) Ashokarishta Boost up Your Immunity

Immunity plays a very important role in our bodies. It helps fight diseases and infections, so it is very important that it stays strong.

Ashokarishta is very beneficial for improving immunity. Proof of this has also been found in research. The research has shown that Ashokarishta has immune modulator properties that help strengthen immunity.

3) Ashokarishta Syrup is Beneficial in Abdominal Pain

Ashokarishta has carminative (gas relieving) and digestive properties. So if someone is having stomach pain due to indigestion and gas then he should use this syrup.

According to some experts, the use of Ashokarishtam is beneficial for the problem of gas and pain in the stomach.

4) Ashokarishta Syrup Provides relief in Osteoporosis

There is a risk of bone weakness if you are suffering from osteoporosis. Ashoka tree’s bark is very beneficial for removing the weakness of bones.

It has been found in research that the bark of the Ashoka tree can strengthen bones by increasing bone density, and this can provide relief in the problem of osteoporosis (2).

The bark of the Ashoka tree is the main ingredient used to make Ashokarishta. So it is clear that Ashokarishta can prove to be very beneficial in the problem of osteoporosis.

5) It Provides Relief from Ulcers

Ashokarishta also helps to give relief from the problem of ulcers. According to research, the bark of the Ashoka tree has anti-ulcer (ulcer-relieving) properties which help in healing the ulcer. Ashokarishtam is made using Ashoka’s bark. So, on this basis, this syrup can be considered useful in providing relief from the problem of ulcers.

6) Ashokarishta Syrup Benefits for Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

The main cause of pelvic inflammatory disease is a bacterial infection, and this disease also causes inflammation in the pelvic region.

Ashokarishta is also considered beneficial in pelvic inflammatory disease. Ashoka’s bark has anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties (3). In this way, this syrup can prove to be beneficial in providing relief from the bacteria causing Pelvic Inflammatory Disease and the inflammation of the pelvic area caused by it.

7) Ashokarishta Syrup Helps to Keep hormone levels normal in Women’s Body

Hormone levels may fluctuate in the women’s body, due to which problems like acne, weight gain, or excessive hair loss can occur.

Consumption of Ashokarishta affects the hormone levels in the woman’s body and helps in maintaining normal levels of hormones in their body.

What are the Side Effects (disadvantages) of Ashokarishta Syrup?

Ashokarishta is an Ayurvedic medicine that has many health-related benefits, but consuming it in excess can cause some side effects.

The side effects (disadvantages) of Ashokarishta syrup that can be seen due to its excessive consumption are as follows:

  • This syrup can help to control the problem of irregular menstruation in women, but its excessive consumption can also affect the regular menstrual cycle sequence.
  • Since jaggery is also used in making Ashokarishta, its excessive consumption can increase blood sugar levels in diabetic patients.
  • Due to the presence of natural alcohol in it, excessive consumption can cause acidity and a burning sensation.


Following are some precautions which should be taken while consuming Ashokarishta syrup:

  • Jaggery is also used in making this syrup, so diabetic patients should be careful while consuming it.
  • Patients with high blood pressure must take their doctor’s advice before using Ashokarishtam.
  • Pregnant women and lactating mothers are advised not to consume this syrup.

What is the Dosage of Ashokarishta Syrup?

To get the full benefits of Ashokarishta syrup, you should take about 15 to 20 ml of this syrup with an equal amount of water twice a day.

Its maximum possible dose is 60 ml per day.

The best time to consume this syrup is immediately after eating food and do not consume it on an empty stomach.

If periods are delayed while taking Ashokarishta, its dosage should be reduced from 20 ml to 10 ml.

You should immediately contact your doctor if you feel any side effects while taking Ashokarishtam.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Ashokarishta good for menopause?

Yes, this syrup is considered beneficial in menopause.

What are the main ingredients of Ashokarishta Syrup?

This Ayurvedic medicine is prepared from 15 natural ingredients. Its main ingredient (ingredient) is the bark of the Ashoka tree. Its other constituents include Jaggery, Ginger, Haritaki, Daruharidra, Mustak root, Vibhitaki, etc.

Does Ashokarishta contain alcohol?

Yes, this syrup has natural alcohol content.


1) Standardization of different marketed brands of Ashokarishta: An Ayurvedic formulation

2) Evaluation of Saraca Indica for the management of dexamethasone-induced osteoporosis

3) Asoka: Herbal Boon to Gynecological Problems An Overview of Current Research


This article is intended for informational purposes only. Any information associated with this article should not be considered a substitute for prescriptions suggested by local healthcare professionals.

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