Kumkumadi Oil (Tailam): Uses, Benefits, & Side Effects

Here, in this article, I will give you detailed information about Kumkumadi Oil (Tailam) right from its uses, benefits, and key ingredients to side effects, and also how to use Kumkumadi oil. So, let’s begin.

What is Kumkumadi Oil (or Kumkumadi Tailam)?

Kumkumadi Oil, also known as Kumkumadi Tailam or Saffron Oil, is an Ayurvedic oil made up of several precious herbs. The name Kumkumadi is derived from the Sanskrit word Kumkum, which is known as Saffron in English and is the key ingredient of this oil. It is a massage oil that can magically uplift your skin health and treat several skin problems.

This oil is a magnificent blend of milk extracts, plants, fruits, and flowers. It is suitable for almost all skin types. There are countless skin benefits of applying Kumkumadi oil in an appropriate quantity.

This oil improves the complexion and glow of the skin. It is an effective ayurvedic remedy for hyperpigmentation, fine lines, black spots, dark circles, blemishes, pimples, and various skin infections.

Synonyms of Kumkumadi Oil are:

  • Kumkumadi Tailam
  • Kumkumadi Tail
  • Kumkumadi Tel
  • Kumkumadi Taila
  • Kumkumadi Thailam
  • Saffron Oil

But before stepping forward to take advantage of this oil, let’s get an overall understanding of it.

What Are The Ingredients (Composition) of Kumkumadi Tailam (Oil)?

Below is the whole list of ingredients that are used in the preparation of Kumkumadi oil (1).

Herbs required for decoction (Kwath Dravya):    

Common Name of the IngredientScientific Name of the IngredientQuantity of the Ingredient
Kesar (Saffron) pollensCrocus Sativus48 grams
Lal Chandan (Red Sandalwood)Pterocarpus Santalinus48 grams
ManjisthaRubia Cordifolia48 grams
Yashtimadhu (Mulethi or Licorice)Glycyrrhiza Glabra48 grams
Laksha (or lac)Laccifer lacca48 grams
Vat Vriksha (Indian Banyan)Ficus benghalensis48 grams
Pakar (or Java Fig)Ficus Lacor48 grams
Nilkand (Neel Kamal or  Blue Lotus)Nymphaea Stellata48 grams
Kamal Kesar (Sacred Lotus or Indian Lotus)Nelumbo Nucifera48 grams  
DaruhaldiBerberis Aristata48 grams  
UshiraVetiveria zizanioides48 grams
PadmakaPrunus Cerasoides48 grams  
AgnimanthaPremna mucronata48 grams
BaelAegle Marmelos48 grams
BrihatiSolanum Indicum48 grams
GokshuraTribulus Terrestris48 grams
KantakariSolanum xanthocarpum48 grams
GambhariGmelina Arborea48 grams
PatalaStereospermum Suaveolens48 grams
ShalaparniDesmodium Gangeticum48 grams
PrishnaparniUraria Picta48 grams
ShyonakaOroxylum Indicum48 grams

Water required for decoction is 9.126 liters, which is boiled and reduced to ¼ parts (i.e. 2.304 liters)

Herbs required for Paste (Kalka Dravya):

Common Name of the IngredientScientific Name of the IngredientQuantity of the Ingredient
ManjisthaRubia cordifolia12 grams
Yashtimadhu/ Mulethi/ LicoriceGlycyrrhiza Glabra12 grams
MahuaMadhuca Longifolia12 grams
Laksha/ LacLaccifer Lacca12 grams
PattangaCaesalpinia Sappan12 grams

Other ingredients:    

Common Name of the IngredientScientific Name of the IngredientQuantity of the Ingredient
Sesame OilSesamum indicum192 ml
Goat Milk (Aja ksheera)384 ml
Rose WaterQuantity sufficient

What Are The Pharmaceutical Actions Of Kumkumadi Tail (Oil)?

Kumkumadi Oil (Tailam) has the following pharmaceutical actions or medicinal properties:

  • Moisturizer
  • Anti-hyperpigmentation
  • Antimicrobial
  • Antioxidant
  • Antibacterial
  • Natural Sunscreen
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Demulcent

What Are The Therapeutic Indications Of Kumkumadi Oil (Tail)?

Kumkumadi oil is indicated in the following conditions:

  • Blemishes
  • Black Spots
  • Dark Circles
  • Acne or pimples Scars
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Acne or pimples
  • Dull and complexion-less skin
  • Melasma
  • Wrinkled skin
  • Wound scars
  • Improving complexion and skin tone
  • Dry skin
  • Dark skin

What Are The Uses and Benefits of Kumkumadi Oil (or Kumkumadi Tailam)?

As we have already discussed, there are many uses and benefits of this oil for your skin. Let’s understand in detail what are the uses and benefits of Kumhumadi oil (Tail):

1) Kumkumadi Oil (Tailam) Helps in Improving Skin Texture

Kumkumadi oil contains turmeric, tea tree oil, sandalwood, saffron, etc. as ingredients. The properties of these ingredients make this oil helpful in brightening and improving skin texture and reducing blemishes, pigmentation, and dark spots. Thus it provides clean and clear skin.

2) Kumkumadi Tailam Acts as a Natural Sunscreen

Studies found that this oil also acts as a natural sunscreen and protects against harmful UV rays.

One such study carried out in 2010 revealed that as compared to Homosalate lotion Saffron pollens lotion has better anti-solar effects and absorbs UV rays (2).

3) Kumkumadi Oil (Tail) is Beneficial in Cleaning Skin Pores

The application of Kumkumadi Oil (Tail) is helpful in cleaning skin pores by removing dirt and excess oil from the skin. It is also beneficial in shedding off dead skin.

4) Kumkumadi Oil Benefits for Inflamed Skin

Kumkumadi oil is made up of natural oils and herbs which are good for healing skin (3). This oil contains soothing, disinfected, and antiseptic properties which could reduce rashes, pimples, infections, scars, itching, etc. Thus, it is a useful remedy that helps in healing inflamed and damaged skin.

5) Kumkumadi Tailam (Oil) Helps Promoting Skin Cell Regeneration

Regular Massage with Kumkumadi oil helps regenerates skin cells and reduce wrinkles and fine lines. It is also very effective to provide an instant glow to the skin (4).

6) Kumkumadi Oil Benefits For Acne And Pimples

Because of its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-bacterial properties, Kumkumadi Tailam is very effective in treating skin infections and inflammatory conditions such as acne, pimples, etc. This oil has a mild cleansing effect which helps to clean the skin pores and removes dead skin cells. Its regular use also prevents infections in the sebaceous glands of the skin and hence, reduces redness and pain in the acne.

Topical application of Kumkumadi Oil along with oral ayurvedic medicines (according to underlying cause) is helpful in the treatment of acne and pimples.

7) Kumkumadi Oil (Tailam) Improves Complexion

The antibacterial and antioxidant properties of the oil help to promote blood circulation and rejuvenate the skin cells (4).

Continuous use of this oil is beneficial in reducing sun tan and providing a natural radiance from within.

Regular application of Kumkumadi oil after mixing with an equal amount of almond oil on your face will improve your complexion and minimalize spots.

8) Kumkumadi Tailam is Beneficial in Healing Wounds

Apart from improving skin complexion and providing other benefits to the skin, this oil can also be used for preventing skin infections and healing wounds.

9) Kumkumadi Oil Diminishes Spots And Blemishes

Spots, dark circles, and blemishes on the face make your face look aged and dull, and it lowers your self-confidence.

Blemishes mostly occur due to several causes including:

  • Aging
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Unhealthy dietary choices
  • Exposure to the sun

The numerous herbal ingredients like saffron, sandalwood, and turmeric in Kumkumadi oil are helpful in improving skin health. Regular application of this oil is helpful in vanishing blemishes and restoring the natural color of the skin.

Its regular use also evens out the skin tone and prevents further discoloration.

10) Kumkumadi Oil (Tailam) Uses for Scar treatment

Kumkumadi Tail is helpful in lessening scars marks and improving complexion.

It is generally used to treat acne and pimple scars. Acne and pimples heal and leave behind ugly scars which are tedious to get rid of and often lower your self-confidence. Kumkumadi Tail enriched with Kumkum and Haridra is beneficial in treating and preventing these scars.

This oil easily penetrates deep within the skin and lightens the scars. It gives good results in the initial stages. In later stages, the topical application of this oil along with tea tree oil is effective in reducing and lightening scars.

11) It Helps in Providing a Cooling Effect

If you use Kumkumadi oil regularly, it provides a cooling effect to the skin.

12) This Oil Helps Hydrating The Skin

The Manjistha and Lotus stamen present in Kumkumadi Tailam acts as a natural conditioner for the skin. Thus, it helps moisturize and hydrate the skin. This oil is also helpful in preventing dry, flaky skin, and acne breakouts.

13) Kumkumadi Oil (Tailam) Benefits for Hyperpigmentation

Being rich in antioxidant properties, Kumkumadi Tailam (oil) influences the epidermal inflammatory response of the skin, which induces the oxidation of arachidonic acid and increases the release of prostaglandins, leukotrienes, etc. These chemicals change the activity of immune cells and melanocytes, which most likely leads to hyperpigmentation.

Kumkumadi Tail (oil) has potent anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-hyperpigmentation properties, which breaks the chain of these chemical processes by decreasing inflammation and utilizing antioxidant action.

This oil is also likely to decrease the release of melanin pigment in the skin which lightens the skin color.

What Are The Side Effects of Kumkumadi Tailam (Oil)?

Kumkumadi oil does not cause any adverse effects if used in the right quantity.

But in some cases, Kumkumadi Oil use may cause side effects, like:

  • It may cause a burning sensation if it comes in direct contact with the eyes.
  • If a person has open pores along with oily skin, then the use of Kumkumadi oil might lead to a very bad impact on the skin. Therefore, it is necessary to take advice from the health care provider in such conditions.
  • A person with oily skin should not use this oil more than once a day. It may lead to excessive oiliness and acne on the skin.
  • If you are having sensitive skin type, then you should use this oil very vigilantly as it may cause allergic reactions such as rashes, pimples, brown spots, etc.
  • This oil is widely used to treat stretch marks. But pregnant and breastfeeding ladies should consult their healthcare provider before use, as it may cause rashes in some women.

It is always recommended to do a patch test by applying the oil over a small area, if it causes any side effects like rash, itching, or burning sensation then avoid its use.

How to use Kumkumadi Tailam (Oil)?

Kumkumadi Tail (Oil) is beneficial for all skin types but for oily-skinned people, it is recommended to be used in small quantities, as it can make their skin greasy.

The steps to be followed on how to use Kumkumadi oil are as follows:       

1. Use your normal but gentle face wash to wash and clean your face and neck area appropriately.

2. Apply a little quantity of Kumkumadi oil all over your face, neck, and affected parts.

3. Gently massage for 5 to 10 minutes in a circular upward motion.

4. Leave this oil on the skin for a few hours i.e. approximately 2 to 3 hours.

5. If your skin is cracked and too dry, then let this oil stay on the skin overnight.

You can apply this oil 2-3 times a day, continuously for a week. Then, it can be used once a day.

To treat dark circles with Kumkumadi oil, follow the directions given below:

1. Pour a few drops of the oil on the palm and gently massage it beneath and over the eyes with your fingertips.

2. Leave the oil for 30 minutes.

3. Wash with normal water.

4. Follow the same procedure at least 2 times a day.


  • Its application can cause rashes in a few people.
  • Always do a patch test before using this oil.
  • This oil may not be suitable for all oily-skinned people, so it is best for oily-skinned people to consult a doctor before its usage.
  • It is better to leave it for 2 to 3 hours instead of the whole night.
  • Oily-skinned people should use this oil in small quantities once a day; and that too for a lesser duration.

With this, we have learned all the essential information that you need to know about Kumkumadi Tailam (oil). In case of any doubt, consult your nearby Ayurvedic practitioner. I hope reading this article could be beneficial for you.



1) Bhaishajya Ratnavali, Chapter 60, Kshudhraroga Chikitsa, and Verse 115-120

2) Does Saffron Have Antisolar and Moisturizing Effects?


3) Saffron Flower Extract Promotes Scratch Wound Closure of Keratinocytes and Enhances VEGF Production


4) Critical review of Ayurvedic Varṇya herbs and their tyrosinase inhibition effect




This article is intended for informational purposes only. Any information associated with this article should not be considered a substitute for prescriptions suggested by local healthcare professionals.


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5) Bhringraj Oil: Uses, Benefits, Ingredients, & Side Effects

6) Brahmi Oil: Uses, Benefits, Ingredients, & Side Effects


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