Abhayarishta: Uses, Health Benefits, Dose, Side Effects

What is Abhayarishta?

Abhayarishta, often referred to as Abhayarishtam, is an effective ayurvedic concoction used to improve digestion and help to treat flatulence, anorexia, piles, constipation, loss of appetite, dysuria, and anal fistula. It is the fermented herbal syrup of the herb Abhaya, (also known as Haritaki), which is an excellent laxative and stimulates proper digestion.

Abhayarishta is an Arishta made by anaerobically fermenting the decoctions of parts of plants like Haritaki, Amalaki, Vidanga, Pippali, etc. with jaggery solution for a specific period. In this process, ethanol is also produced which in turn works as a preservative.

According to Ayurveda, the laxative (rechana) property of Abhayarishta helps in providing relief from constipation and reducing the symptoms of anal fistula. It has digestive (pachan) and appetizer (deepan) properties, that provide relief from digestive problems like bloating, anorexia, flatulence, and thirst.

Additionally, its Vata-balancing properties encourage the digestive fire (Pachakagni), which helps in the management of anorectal diseases like piles.

If taken in the recommended dose, it is generally well tolerated and does not cause any side effects. But you should consult a doctor before using Abhayarishta syrup.

Abhayarishta’s Effect On Doshas

According to Ayurveda, the herbal constituents of the Abhayarishtam help in balancing the Tridoshas, (i.e. Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) and remove Ama (harmful toxins) from the body.

BalancesVata, Pitta, and Kapha

What Are The Uses and Health Benefits Of Abhayarishta?

Uses and Health Benefits Of Abhayarishta are:

1) Abhayarishta Benefits for Constipation

Constipation is a condition in which you may experience dry and hard stools. This is a common condition and can affect individuals of any age.

According to Ayurveda, constipation is the result of an imbalance between the Vata and Pitta doshas. These doshas get aggravated by many constipation-causing factors, like

  • Excessive consumption of tea or coffee
  • Sleeping late at night
  • Stress

Abhayarishta helps to balance Vata and Pitta, thus Ayurveda strongly recommends its use in treating constipation. 

Also, it helps to expel waste products from the large intestine by

  • Increasing secretion of bile by the liver, which in turn, acts on the peristalsis movement of the intestines
  • Helping minimize mucous and excess fat content in the stools, which prevents the stool from sticking to the intestinal walls

How to Use Abhayarishta For Getting Relief from Constipation?

For treating constipation, mix 15-20ml of Abhayarishta with an equal amount of water, and consume it twice a day, ideally after meals. According to your condition, you can also consume it only once at night.

2) Benefits of Abhayarishta for Piles

Piles (or Hemorrhoids) are swollen and inflamed blood vessels inside or around the anus. Symptoms of piles may include:

  • Painful lump in or around the anus
  • Itching or irritation in your anal region
  • Bloody stools
  • Discomfort during and after passing stools

It is referred to as Arsh in Ayurveda. A sedentary lifestyle and an unhealthy diet can cause piles. These may lead to an imbalance of all three doshas, particularly Vata. This exacerbated Vata causes decreased digestive fire (Pachakagni) resulting in constipation. This causes swelling and inflammation in the veins of the rectum region.

Due to its Vata-balancing and laxative (rechak) properties, Abhayarishta syrup helps in treating piles by stimulating digestive fire and relieving constipation.

Abhayarishta softens the stool and aids the easy passage of the stool from the intestines. It lessens the strain on the lower portion of the intestines and improves the strength of the intestines.

It also helps to soothe the symptoms of piles by improving the elasticity of the perianal area (1).

3) Abhayarishtam Promotes Digestion

Abhayarishta syrup is a very potent digestive stimulant. It

  • Stimulates the release of digestive fluids, and
  • Helps in the breakdown of food particles in the stomach and intestine
  • Enhances the absorption of nutrients through the intestines and gut digestion

Thus, it promotes digestion and helps in the

  • Elimination of stomach gas
  • Reduces bloating, abdominal distension, and gaseous cramps

Heartburn, Esophagitis, flatulence, peptic ulcer, diarrhea, and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) are among the various gastrointestinal problems for which it is a highly effective treatment.

4) Abhayarishtam Helps to Cure Loss of Appetite

Loss of Appetite (or anorexia) is a condition in which there is little or no desire to eat. According to Ayurveda, a low digestive fire (Mand Pachakagni) in the body may lead to indigestion, causing the creation of Ama (which is toxic remains in the body due to improper digestion). This may result in loss of appetite, and in Ayurveda, it is known as Aruchi.

Abhayarishta helps in curing loss of appetite, gas, thirst, and bloating; due to the result of its digestive (Pachan) and appetizer (Deepan) properties.

5) Abhayarishta Benefits in Treating Ascites

This herbal syrup is very beneficial for addressing the underlying causes of ascites. Abhayarishta decreases the risk of liver cirrhosis (which can lead to ascites), by

  • Protecting the liver from the damage caused by excessive alcohol consumption
  • Controlling the formation of fatty liver
  • Inhibiting constriction of the blood vessels in the abdomen

Its anti-microbial and anti-oxidant properties also aid in the treatment of

  • Alcoholic liver disease
  • Abdominal hepatitis, and
  • Liver damage is caused by the accumulation of toxins in the body

6) Abhayarishta Provides Relief in Anal Fistula

An anal fistula (or fistula-in-Ano) is a small tunnel that develops between an infected gland within the anus and an opening on the skin around the anus. This condition may cause symptoms such as

  • Pain and swelling around the anus
  • Pus drainage near the anal opening
  • Pain with bowel movements
  • Bleeding

In Ayurveda, it is known by the name of Bhagandara.

As the name implies, Bhagandara is made of two Sanskrit words, Bhaga and Darana. In the Sanskrit language, Bhaga means the region between the anus and the genitalia (or perineum), and Darana means to rip apart. Therefore, Bhagandara refers to a cut or tear in the perineal or perianal region.

Digestive issues such as persistent constipation may lead to complications like fistula-in-Ano.

The laxative (rechana) property of Abhyarishta assists in the management of constipation and provides relief in symptoms of anal fistula.

7) Abhayarishta Helps in Preventing Urinary Disorders

Abhayarishta syrup’s effective anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties prevent bacterial infections and lower inflammation of the urinary tract.

Urinary incontinence, painful urination, and renal stones are effectively prevented and treated by this herbal syrup.

What Are The Side Effects Of Abhayarishta?

The Abhayarishta syrup is a panacea for a variety of diseases. No side effects of this syrup have been reported in the ayurvedic literature. But, you should always consult an ayurvedic doctor before using Abhayarishta and consume it in prescribed doses.

Consuming Abhayarishtam in large doses than prescribed may cause some side effects.

Side Effects of Consuming Abhayarishtam in Large Doses for Children Above 3 Years

However, in lower doses, it is safer for children older than 3 years, but its consumption in larger doses may cause certain adverse effects such as

  • Stomach pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Bloating
  • Headache
  • Sleepiness
  • Dizziness

Side Effects of Consuming Abhayarishtam In Pregnant Women

It is particularly prohibited for pregnant women due to the presence of Indravaruni, which may cause uterine contractions and can result in an abortion.

Side Effects of Consuming Abhayarishtam In Diabetic patients

Diabetic patients should consult their doctor before consuming Abhayarishta, as this syrup contains jaggery as an ingredient that may affect their blood sugar levels.

What Are The Ingredients of Abhayarishta?

Following are the Kwath Dravya (Decoction herbs) required for Making Abhayarishta

IngredientsScientific NameThe quantity used for making the decoction
Haritaki (or Abahya)- fruit rindTerminalia chebula4.8 kg
Mridvika (or grapes)Vitis vinifera2.4 kg
VidangaEmbelia Ribes480 grams
Madhuka pushpaMadhuca Indica480 grams
Water —49.152 liters

Sandhana Dravya (Fermentative agents)

Jaggery (Gur)4.8 kg

Prakshepaka Dravyas (Aromatic herbs)

Ingredients                        Scientific NameQuantity
DhatakiWoodfordia fruticosa     96 grams
MocharasaSalmalia malabarica96 grams
GokshuraTribulus Terrestris96 grams
Indravaruni (or bitter apple)Citrullus colocynthis96 grams
Dhanyaka (dhania, or coriander)Coriandrum sativum96 grams
SaunfFoeniculum vulgare96 grams
DantiBaliospermum montanum96 grams
Chavya (or Gaja pippali, or long pepper)Piper retrofractum96 grams
TrivritOperculina turpethum96 grams
Sonth (or dry ginger)Zingiber officinale96 grams

Therapeutic Benefits of the Ingredients of Abhayarishta

Here I am explaining to you the therapeutic benefits of the ingredients of Abhayarishtam

1) Haritaki (Abhaya)

Haritaki (Abhaya) is a very useful herb that is used for

  • Enhancing the body’s healing capabilities
  • Treating diabetes
  • Promoting digestion,
  • Alleviating constipation
  • Treating sore throat and lung infections

2) Mridvika

Mridvika (or grapes) is a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. It is beneficial for the

  • Managing asthma
  • Treating heart diseases
  • Curing eye issues
  • Preventing cancer

3) Vidanga

Vidanga is used to cure asthma, diabetes, TB (tuberculosis), piles, leprosy, bug bites, etc. because of its antioxidant, diuretic, wound-healing, anti-diabetic, and anti-microbial properties.

4) Madhuka Pushpa

Madhuka Pushpa is an extremely beneficial herb that is used in the treatment of various conditions like:

  • Piles
  • Diabetes
  • Tonsillitis
  • Rheumatic conditions
  • Skin problems like eczema.

5) Jaggery (Gur)

The addition of jaggery to this formulation

  • Imparts a sweet flavor to the syrup
  • Facilitates the fermentation process

6) Gokshura

Gokshura is particularly beneficial for

  • Treating hypertension
  • Reducing triglyceride and cholesterol levels in the blood

Its aphrodisiac property improves male endurance by boosting testosterone levels in the blood.

7) Dhataki

Dhataki is a herb with significant medicinal properties. Its immune-modulatory effect enhances the immune system and promotes general health. It is useful in the treatment of

  • Diarrhea
  • Piles
  • Dysentery
  • Diabetes
  • Leucorrhoea
  • Rheumatism
  • Skin infections

8) Indravaruni

The fruit of Indravaruni has carminative, purgative, antipyretic, and anthelmintic properties. It is very beneficial in the treatment of:

  • Bronchitis
  • Asthma
  • Constipation
  • Jaundice
  • Ascites
  • Joint pain
  • Skin infections like pimples
  • Tumors

9) Dhanyaka

Dhanyaka (also known as dhania), is extensively used to treat gastrointestinal conditions such as

  • Nausea
  • Intestinal gas
  • Indigestion
  • Diarrhea
  • Bowel spasms

Also, it is beneficial for the treatment of joint pains, piles, toothaches, hernia, and various skin infections.

10) Danti

Danti’s antipyretic and analgesic properties reduce fever and alleviate pain. It is also useful in the treatment of:

  • Abdominal distension
  • Constipation
  • Gout
  • Edema
  • Sciatica
  • Paralysis

11) Mocharasa

The gum exudate extracted from the shalmoli tree is known as Mocharasa.


  • Stops excessive bleeding
  • Is a natural blood purifier
  • Increases the quality and quantity of blood circulating in the body

It is helpful in curing several bleeding conditions such as hemoptysis, menorrhagia, and bloody dysentery. Also, it helps in healing wounds and curing skin infections.

12) Saunf

Saunf, also known as Fennel, has anti-flatulent, antispasmodic,  and carminative properties. It is used to treat various conditions, such as

  • Digestive disorders
  • Lung diseases
  • Gum diseases (like gingivitis)
  • Heart diseases
  • Urinary diseases

 It also helps to enhance men’s and women’s reproductive health.

13) Sonth

Dried ginger or Sonth is extensively used in Ayurveda for

  • Improving digestion
  • Getting relief from abdominal gas, constipation, and abdominal distension
  • Treating ailments like cough, cold, asthma

14) Chavya

Chavya, also known as long pepper, provides relief from constipation, promotes digestion, and is used in curing worm infestation. It is also used in treating

  • Asthma
  • Cough
  • Bloating
  • Abdominal pain or distension

15) Trivrit

Trivrit stimulates wound healing, cures worm infestation, and aids in weight reduction. Its purgative properties also help in providing relief from:

  • Bloating
  • Constipation
  • Other Abdominal problems

What Is The Method of Preparation (Making) Of Abhayarishta?

Kwath dravya (Decoction herbs) to be used for making a decoction, are washed and dried in the sun.

These herbs are then powdered and sieved to remove impurities.

On the hand, the aromatic herbs are also cleaned, dried, powdered, sieved, and kept in another container.

The decoction herbs (i.e. Haritaki, Mridvika, Vidanga, and Madhuka Pushpa) are then immersed in 49.152 liters of water and allowed to soak overnight.

In the morning, the decoction herbs soaked in water are then heated on a low flame, and when its quantity is reduced to ¼ (i.e. 12.288 liters), it is passed through a muslin cloth to remove impurities.

When this decoction cools down, add 4.8 kg of jaggery and stir it properly.

After this, pour the decoction into a wide-mouthed vessel, and add all the ten powdered aromatic herbs (each in the quantity of 96 grams) to this decoction.

Now, mix this mixture well and seal the opening of the container.

Keep this container in a dry, ventilated, and shady place for 1 month and allow it to ferment.

After one month remove this container from that place and filter the fermented liquid through a muslin cloth to remove solid particles and impurities.

The liquid part you get after sieving is Abhayarishta, which is then stored in glass jars or food-grade plastic bottles.

What is the Dosage Of Abhayarishta?

The recommended effective dosage of Abhayarishta is 15 to 20 ml mixed with an equal amount of water.

Abhayarishtam should be consumed after meals in the morning and evening i.e. twice a day. You can also take this syrup only one time at night before sleeping.

Depending on the patient’s age, condition, and severity, the therapeutic dosage may vary from person to person. You must consult with an ayurvedic doctor before consuming this syrup because he or she will properly analyze your condition and will prescribe you the exact dosage for the required time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a diabetic person take Abhayarishtam syrup?

Diabetic people should consume Abhayarishta only after consulting a doctor, as it contains Jaggery (Gur) as an ingredient that may affect their sugar levels.

Can Abhayarishtam be addictive?

No, it is not addictive.

Does Abhayarishtam contain sugar?

Yes, it contains sugar (in the form of jaggery).

Can Abhayarishtam be consumed before or after meals?

It is advisable to consume this syrup after meals with water.

Can I take Abhayarishta syrup daily?


This syrup should be taken in the dose and duration as prescribed by your doctor.


1) Chemical changes during fermentation of Abhayarishta and its standardization by HPLC-DAD



This article is intended for informational purposes only. Any information associated with this article should not be considered as a substitute for prescriptions suggested by local health care professionals.

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