Dashmularishta: Uses, Benefits, Dosage, & Side Effects

Here, in this article, we will dig up every essential information about Dashmularishta. You can browse down to learn the uses, benefits, side effects, properties, ingredients, dosage, and many more facts about Dasamoolarishtam.

What is Dashmularishta (Dashmoolarishta)?

Dashmularishta is a widely used Ayurvedic health tonic that contains more than 50 herbs along with a group of ten herb roots known as Dashamula. It can also be spelled as Dashmoolarishta, whereas it is also known by other names such as Dasamoolam Kasayam or Dasamoolarishtam. A well-known Ayurvedic literature Sarngadhara Samhita depicts that Dashmularishta can help to recover your body from an inflammatory condition by revitalizing the body and rebuilding the tissues.

It is a fermented liquid medicine made up of a variety of beneficial herbal ingredients, mainly 50 herbs along with 10 herb roots. This Ayurvedic tonic is formulated from the roots of 10 distinct plants. Dashamoola is a Sanskrit word that is made from 2 different words ‘Dasha’ and ‘moola’. Here, ‘Dasha’ means das or ten and ‘moola’ means root.

It is an ultimate and pure remedy for several health issues whether it is related to lungs, joints, bones, muscles, nerves, etc. The syrup consists of 3 to 7% self-generating alcohol due to its preparation through the process of fermentation. The tonic is effective for both men and women but most beneficial for women. It is a magnificent ayurvedic tonic for women during their peri-menopausal and prenatal phase (1).

Also, it is beneficial for women’s reproductive system and helps their uterus to recover normal shape and size after delivery. According to Ayurveda, because of its balya, and Vata balancing properties, Dashamularishta improves the health of women by restoring the hormones and managing post-delivery complications (2).

Thus, it is widely used by ayurvedic doctors for the prevention of postpartum problems like fatigue, postpartum depression, infectious diseases of the uterus, backache, sluggish uterus, etc.

With several other health benefits, it is also one of the best general health tonics.

Pharmacological Properties Of Dashmularishta

Qualities (Guna)Light, hot, piercing, strong (i.e. laghu, teekshna, and ushna)
TastePungent, astringent, bitter, sweet
Taste converted after digestion (Vipaka)Pungent (katu, ushna)
Potency (Veerya)Hot

Action Of Dashmularishta (According To Ayurveda)

Balya (tonic)Grahi (absorbent)
Shoolahara (antispasmodic)Vata anulomana (anti flatulent)
Ruchya (appetizer)Pachana (digestive)
Deepana (carminative)

Medicinal Properties of Dashmularishta

There are a lot of healing properties that are infused in Dashmoolarishta, which are as follows:

Medicinal Properties of Dashmularishta
anti-dysenteryanti-anorexic (manages eating disorders)anti-stress
mild anthelmintic (acts against worm infections)muscle relaxanta mild natural analgesic
hematogenic (useful in the formulation of RBCs)haematinic (helpful to increase hemoglobin levels)digestive stimulant
anti-bronchitis (acts against bronchitis)ant-vitiligo or anti-leucoderma (to manage the loss of skin color)anti-diarrhoea
anti-otorrhoea (ear infections)antifungalliver protective activity
reduces acid secretion in the stomachprotects the stomach from gastric ulcersincreases good cholesterol
antihyperlipidemic property (means reduces bad cholesterol, triglycerides, total cholesterol)immunomodulatory activity improves the immunityprotects kidneys from toxins

What Are The Ingredients Used in Dashmularishta?

Dashmoolarishta syrup is a combination of more than 50 herbs along with a group of ten herb roots called Dashamula.

These ten herb roots are the key ingredients, which I have listed below:

Common Name of the IngredientScientific NamePart of the PlantQuantity
GokshuraTribulus /Tribulus terrestrisRoot48 grams
PrishnaparniUraria pictaRoot48 grams
ShalaparniDesmodium gangeticumRoot 48 grams
KantakariSolanum xanthocarpumRoot48 grams
BrihatiSolanum indicumRoot48 grams
Gambhari/ KashmariGmelina arboreaRoot48 grams
PatalaStereospermum suaveolensRoot48 grams
ShyonakaOroxylum indicumRoot48 grams
AgnimanthaPremna MucronataRoot48 grams
Bilva/ bael (Golden apple tree)  Aegle marmelosRoot48 grams

The other ingredients used in Dashmularishta are as follows:

Common Name of the IngredientScientific NamePart of the PlantQuantity
Katakaphal (or Nirmali)Strychnos potatorumSeedSufficient quantity
PatraCinnamomum tamalaLeaf19 gms
Ela (Cardamom)Elettaria cardamomumSeed19 gms
Tvak (Dalchini or Cinnamon)Cinnamomum zeylanicumStem bark19 gms  
Lavanga (Clove or Laung)Syzygium aromaticumFlower bud19 gms  
JatiphalaMyristica fragransSeed19 gms  
ChandanaSantalum albumHeart wood19 gms  
JalaColeus vettiveroidesRoot19 gms  
KankolaPiper cubebaFruit19 gms  
DhatakiWoodfordia fruticosaflower290 gms
Jaggery (Gur)3.8 kgs
Honey307 gms
Water for decoction  20 litres boiled and reduced to 5 litres
Draksha (Raisins)Vitis ViniferaDried fruit600 gms
Varahikhand, (Zimikand or Varahi)Dioscorea bulbiferaRoot19 gms
AshwangandhaWithania somniferaRoot19 gms
ShatavariAsparagus racemosusRoot19 gms
MedaPolygonatum cirrhifoliumRoot19 gms
RishabhakaMicrostylis wallichiiRoot19 gms  
JivakaPueraria tuberosaRoot19 gms  
KarkatashringiPistacia integerrimaGall19 gms  
IndrayavaHolarrhena antidysentericaSeeds19 gms  
MustaCyperus rotundusRhizome19 gms  
NagakesaraMesua ferreaStamen19 gms  
PadmakaPrunus cerasoidesStem19 gms  
ShatapushpaAnethum sowaFruit19 gms
Haridra (orTurmeric)Curcuma longaRhizome  19 gms
ShatiHedychium spicatumRhizome  19 gms
Puga (Betel nut)Areca catechuSeed19 gms
Pippali (Long pepper)Piper longumFruit19 gms
RasnaPluchea lanceolataLeaf19 gms
NirgundiVitex negundoSeed19 gms
TrivritOperculina turpethumRoot19 gms
Krishna JeerakaCarum carviFruit19 gms
SarivaHemidesmus indicusRoot19 gms
PriyanguCallicarpa macrophyllaFlower19 gms
JatamansiNordostachys jatamansiRhizome19 gms
ChavyaPiper retrofractumStem19 gms
PunarnavaBoerhavia diffusaRoot19 gms
BibhitakaTerminalia belliricaFruit19 gms
KapitthaFeronia limoniaFruit powder19 gms
BharangiClerodendrum serratumRoot19 gms
Mulethi (Yashtimadhu or Licorice)Glycyrrhiza GlabraRoot19 gms
VidangaEmbelia ribesFruit19 gms
DevadaruCedrus deodaraHeart wood19 gms
ManjishtaRubia cordifoliaRoot19 gms
KushtaSaussurea lappaRoot19 gms
Haritaki (Pathya)Terminalia chebulaFruit77 gms
BijasaraPterocarpus marsupiumHeart wood77 gms
KhadiraAcacia catechuHeart wood77 gms
DuralabhaFagonia creticaWhole plant115 gms
Amla (Indian gooseberry)Emblica OfficinalisFruit154 gms
Guduchi (Giloy or Indian tinospora)Tinospora cordifoliaStem192 gms
LodhraSymplocos racemosaStem bark/ root192 gms
PushkaramoolaInula racemosaRoot240 gms
ChitrakaPlumbago zeylanicaRoot240 gms

Traditional Benefits Of Dashmoolarishta

According to Ayurveda, Dashmularishta syrup helps in the treatment of various health conditions, which includes the following:

Ayurvedic Name of The DiseaseDisease Known By Name In Allopathy
BalapradaImproves strength, immunity
MutrakrichraDifficulty in urination
Vandhyaanaam garbhadaHelpful in female fertility
Dhatu KshayaUseful in emaciated, weak and lean person
ShukrapradaImproves semen and sperm quantity and quality
AshmariUrinary calculi
Sharkara Urinary gravels
Krushaanaam pushtijananaImproves nourishment in weak and lean
MandagniLow digestion strength
KamalaJaundice, liver disorders
KushthaSkin disorders
MehaDiabetes, urinary disorders
BhagandaraAnal fistula
KshayaChronic respiratory disorders, tissue depletion
Vata vyadhiNeurological disorders, Vata imbalance disorders
Pandu RogaAnemia
GulmaAbdominal tumor, bloating
KasaCold, cough
ShwasaAsthma, wheezing, respiratory diseases
GrahaniIBS, Mal absorption syndrome

What are The Uses and Benefits of Dashmularishta (Dashmoolarishta)?

Uses and Health Benefits Of Dasamoolarishtam are:

1) Benefits of Dashmularishta in the Postpartum period

Dashmoolarishta syrup is very beneficial in the management of postpartum complications. Its regular intake has the following benefits after delivery:

Improves immunity

The presence of immunomodulatory herbs in the tonic helps to improve immunity. Starting it immediately after delivery eliminates 90% of the health issues that may cause trouble in the postpartum period or thereafter. 

Lower backache after delivery

After delivery, women sometimes need to deal with many health issues, and lower backache is one among them. Sometimes, it also leads to back stiffness. Dashmularishta is a beneficial remedy to treat it. If it is combined with Ashwagandha extract, it is even more helpful.

Postpartum Fever

Some women after giving birth to a newborn may suffer from fever, which can be low-grade or high-grade. Consuming Dashmoolarishta is beneficial for this fever.

Other postpartum troubles

Dashmularishta is an effective remedy for dealing with many other postpartum issues, like physical weakness, diarrhea, loss of appetite, etc.

2) Dashmularishta Benefits for Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a very common condition in weight-bearing joints, such as the hips and knee joints. It mostly affects older people and is regarded as the leading cause of their disability.

According to Ayurveda, osteoarthritis (called Sandhivata in Ayurveda) occurs due to an aggravation of Vata dosha. Due to the Sothhar (anti-inflammatory) and Vata balancing properties of Dasamoolarishtam syrup, it provides relief from the symptoms of osteoarthritis such as pain and inflammation of the joints.

Studies conducted on mice have shown that Dashmularishta is helpful in decreasing swelling and improving the ability to take longer steps (3).

3) Dashmoolarishta benefits in Persistent cough

Persistent cough having dry cough attacks known as Vataja Kasa in Ayurveda can be treated by Dasamoolarishtam. You should take 15 to 20 ml of this syrup with the same quantity of lukewarm water twice daily until this cough subsides completely.  

4) Dasamoolarishtam Benefits in Osteoporosis

Dashmularishta along with calcium and mineral supplements is useful in treating Osteoporosis.

According to Ayurveda, mainly excessive Vata and Vata aggravation in the bones are the reasons for the occurrence of Osteoporosis. Dashmoolarishta is known to treat Vata aggravation, and hence osteoporosis.

5) Dashmularishta syrup benefits in male Infertility

Men who are suffering from infertility because of pus in the seminal fluid can get relief from Dashmularishta syrup. Triphala and Rajat Bhasma are also effective remedies for this condition. People can take them all together for more benefits, after consulting their doctor.

6) Dasamoolarishtam is Beneficial in Physical disability caused by chronic IBS

Dashmoolarishta isn’t directly beneficial in treating IBS (Irritable bowel syndrome). But if you are experiencing weakness due to this condition, then the tonic can help in providing strength, reducing bloating, and improving appetite.

7) Dashmoolarishta Benefits in Recurrent miscarriage

Recurrent miscarriage occurs due to the weakness of uterine muscles and the inefficiency of the uterus to implant the embryo properly. This syrup is helpful in such a case to treat this problem.

8) Dashmoolarishta Benefits For Skin

The regular use of Dashmoolarishta can help enhance the skin complexion and provide a natural glow. It reduces the appearance of dark circles, acne, and dark spots.

9) Dasamoolarishtam helps in Relieving mental stress

Dashmularishta strengthens the mind and body of women. This tonic is an effective remedy for treating mental stress and it also improves mental health.

10) Dashmoolarishta Benefits for allergic conjunctivitis in Infants

According to Ayurveda, if there is an irregularity in the breastfeeding mother’s diet or she takes an improper diet, then it may result in allergic conjunctivitis in the child. Therefore, such mothers are suggested to take Dashmularishta syrup to the irregularities in appetite and bowel movements (6). Infants may also be given some remedies as suggested by the pediatrician.

11) Dashmoolarishta benefits for heart

It is one of the best remedies to treat heart diseases. Some heart conditions such as stroke and attack are caused because of the blood clot. And Dasamoolarishtam syrup is useful for the prevention of blood clots, as it acts against the clotting property of platelets. This tonic can be used with allopathic medicines for heart diseases (7).

12) Benefits of Dashmoolarishta For Painful Periods

Menstruation pain is common among females and is called Dysmenorrhea. Some experience more, whereas some experience less or no pain. It occurs due to hormonal imbalance. In such cases, Dashmularishta tonic can be used to treat painful periods and hormonal imbalances.

In Ayurveda, Dysmenorrhea is known as Kasht-Aartava and can be managed by controlling the Vata dosha. This syrup has Vata balancing property and thus provides relief in dysmenorrhea.

13) Benefits of Dashmoolarishta in treating fatigue

According to Ayurveda, fatigue (known as Klama), is caused due to an imbalance in Kapha dosha.

Dashmoolarishta syrup provides relief from fatigue because of its Balya (strength provider) and Kapha balancing nature.

14) Dashmoolarishta Benefits in treating PCOS

PCOS or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a gynecological disorder in women. It occurs due to hormonal imbalance and may lead to infertility in women. Dashmularishta is very beneficial in the treatment of PCOS,  by rebalancing the hormone levels in females (4).

15) Dashmoolarishta Benefits for Cervicitis

Cervicitis basically refers to the inflammation of the uterine lining of the cervix. It is generally caused due to bacterial infection. This ayurvedic tonic is the potential remedy to treat cervicitis. It can inhibit bacterial growth and also gives relief from vaginal discharge, itchiness, and soreness (5).

What Are the Side Effects of Dashmularishta (Dashmoolarishta)?

There is not any adverse side effect documented due to the consumption of Dashmularishta (8). It is possibly safe for most people.

But in some people or in some conditions, it may cause certain side effects like:

  • Taking Dashmoolarishta more than the recommended quantity may cause stomach disturbances or a burning sensation.
  • It has some spices in its formulation, so if a person takes it without mixing it with water or takes it in excess amount, then it may cause constipation or hemorrhoids.
  • This tonic is not usually recommended for Diabetes patients.
  • Also, the person who has issues related to Pitta dosha such as hot flushes, burning of eyes, burning sensation, etc. should also avoid taking Dashmularishta.
  • It should also be avoided in excessive bleeding conditions.

Further, there are some contraindications of Dashmularishta. Taking it with any underlying health issues may create even more trouble. So, one should avoid the dosage of this tonic in the conditions such as:

  • Diarrhea with a burning sensation
  • Excessive thirst
  • Heartburn
  • Burning sensation in the abdomen
  • Mouth ulcer

People should strictly avoid Dashmularishta in the above conditions.

Harmful Interactions of Dashmularishta (Dashmoolarishta)

Dashmularishta can possibly interact with certain drugs and thus cause adverse effects.

So, you should avoid this tonic if you are taking the following drugs:

  • Ascorbic acid
  • Ardeparin
  • Argatroban
  • Antithrombin III
  • Alteplase
  • Antidepressants
  • Apixaban
  • Anticoagulants
  • Antiplatelet drugs
  • Alkaloids

What is The Dosage of Dashmularishta?

The recommended dosage of Dashmularishta is 15 to 20 ml mixed with an equal amount of lukewarm water.

Dashmoolarishta syrup should be consumed after meals once or twice a day for better health.

Its maximum daily dosage is 60 ml.

You must consult with an ayurvedic doctor before consuming this syrup because he or she will properly analyze your condition and will prescribe you the exact dosage for the required time.

What are The Storage and Safety Requirements for Dashmularishta?

Following are the storage and safety requirements for Dashmularishta:

  • Keep it in a dry place to prevent it from retaining water.
  • It should be kept away from heat and direct sunlight.
  • Store the bottle at room temperature.
  • Keep it away from the reach of children.
  • It is recommended to read the label vigilantly before using the syrup.

What is The Shelf Life Of Dashmularishta?

The shelf life of Dashmoolarishta tonic is between five to ten years.

So, Dashmularishta is a potent Ayurvedic formulation to treat many health conditions, mainly in women.

Prepared with the goodness of Dashmool and other natural extracts and herbs, it provides many health benefits. Therefore, experience the wholesomeness of Ayurvedic healing with Dasamoolarishtam. But, it is suggested to consult with your health care provider to get its whole benefits.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Dashmularishta be addictive?

No, it is not addictive.

Can Dashmoolarishta syrup make you drowsy?

This syrup must be consumed within the prescribed dosage to avoid drowsiness.

Does Dashmularishta contain sugar?

Yes, it contains sugar.

Can a diabetic person take Dashmoolarishta syrup?

Diabetic people must consume Dashmoolarishta syrup only after consulting a doctor, as it contains Jaggery (Gur) as its ingredient which may affect their sugar levels.

Can Dashmularishta be consumed before or after meals?

It is advisable to consume this syrup after meals with water.

What is the source of Dashmoolarishta?

The source of this syrup is plant-based.

Is Dashmoolarishta available as an over-the-counter (OTC) drug?

Yes. It is available as an over-the-counter drug and you can purchase it without a doctor’s prescription.

Is consuming Dashmularishta safe during breastfeeding?

It is considered probably safe for breastfeeding women. But you should consult an ayurvedic doctor before consuming it in this condition.


1) Comparative free radical scavenging and anti-inflammatory potential of branded market samples of Ayurvedic formulations: Dashmoolarishta.


2) Clinical Evaluation of Dashmularishta (Ayurvedic formulation) in Restoring Normal Health of Postpartum Females


3) Evaluation of oral multi-herbal preparation of Dashmoolarishta on mice model of osteoarthritis






6) Ayurveda Management of Allergic Conjunctivitis in 6 months old baby- A successful case study


7) Experimental evaluation of analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-platelet potential of Dashamoola


8) Clinical Evaluation of Dashmularishta (Ayurvedic formulation) in Restoring Normal Health of Postpartum Females



This article is intended for informational purposes only. Any information associated with this article should not be considered as a substitute for prescriptions suggested by local health care professionals.

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