Chandanasava: Uses, Benefits, Dosage, & Side Effects

What is Chandanasava?

The kidneys are crucial for a body’s self-cleansing process. These remove toxins and waste from a person’s blood. In addition, kidneys play an important role in

  • Controlling blood pressure
  • Encouraging the production of RBCs (red blood cells), and
  • Producing vitamin D

Consuming sufficient water and adhering to a balanced diet is necessary for the health of the kidneys. Regular renal detoxification also improves the urinary system and bladder’s functionality.

Allopathic or conventional pharmaceuticals are efficient for treating kidney diseases, but some ayurvedic formulations are persuasive for chronic kidney conditions like urinary tract infection, burning micturition, kidney failure, and kidney stones.

Chandanasava syrup is an Ayurvedic herbal concoction that has been used for centuries to treat renal diseases. This herbal syrup is helpful in treating:

  • Bloating
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Kidney stones
  • Reproductive problems, and
  • Digestive issues

This syrup is used to treat urinary and urogenital problems efficiently. The majority of people are unaware that Chandanasava is an Ayurvedic wine preparation. It comprises 5-10% of self-generated alcohol. Chandana (i.e sandalwood) is the key ingredient of Chandanasava. Chandan has a cooling effect and regulates Pitta dosha.

This syrup is used with other medications for the treatment of male reproductive issues. It has a broad spectrum of antimicrobial and antibacterial activities. According to the Sharangdhara Samhita, Chandanasava is beneficial particularly for those with oily skin as it helps in drying up the sebum.

What Are The Ingredients of Chandanasava?

Following are the ingredients of Chandanasava:

Name of the IngredientScientific NameQuantity Required
Safed Chandan (or White Sandalwood)Santalum Album48 grams
Lal Chandan (Raktachandan or Red Sandalwood) Pterocarpus Santalinus48 grams
Mochras (Semal Gond)Bombax malabaricum48 grams
PathaCyclea Peltata48 grams
Manjistha Rubia cordifolia48 grams
Chirayata (or Kiratatikta)Swertia Chirata48 grams
Bargad or Barh (Banyan)Ficus Benghalensis48 grams
NetrabalaPavonia Odorata48 grams
LodhraSymplocos Racemosa48 grams
Mango Tree Bark —48 grams
Nagarmotha (Nut Grass)Cyprus Rotundus48 grams
PriyanguCallicarpa Macrophylla48 grams
Gambhari (Beech wood/Kasmari)Gmelina Arborea48 grams
Neel Kamal (Blue water lily) flowersNymphaea Stellata48 grams
PadmakaPrunus Cerasoides48 grams
Draksha (Raisins)Vitis Vinifera960 grams
Dhataki Flowers)Woodfordia Fruticosa768 grams
Gur (or  Jaggery) —2.4 kilograms
Sharkara (Brown Sugar or Sugar candy) —4.8 kilograms
Water —24.5 Kilograms

What is The Method of Preparation of Chandanasava?

Jaggery and Sugar candy is first dissolved in water and filtered.

All the remaining ingredients are grounded to a coarse powder and are added to the vessel containing water and stirred well. Then the container is sealed and kept aside for 30 days.

After observing self-made alcohol, the contents are filtered out. The liquid portion you get after filtering is Chandanasava syrup, which is stored in airtight glass bottles for use.

What Are The Uses and Benefits of Chandanasava?

Chandanasava is used to cure and alleviate various health issues. Recent research has also proven that it has great health benefits for people. Below I have cited some of its important uses and benefits:

1) Chandanasava Benefits in Kidney Stones

A hard tiny stone in one’s kidney owing to excessive acidic composition in his/her body or other medical problems can cause extreme pain. Increased pitta dosha in the body may raise the production of uric acid leading to the formation of uric acid stones.

Chandanasava syrup pacifies pitta dosha, its diuretic property helps in reducing the uric acid levels, and its antilithiatic and lithotriptic properties aid to dissolve stones in the kidney or bladder.

2) Chandanasava Treats Urinary Tract Infection

Because of its strong anti-microbial properties, Chandanasava is highly effective in the treatment of various bacterial infections.

The bacteriostatic action of this syrup limits the progress of the disease in patients with urinary tract infections (UTI) and pyuria. It gives better results when it is used along with Chandraprabha Vati, Chandanadi Vati, and Guluchyadi Kashayam.

3) Chandanasava Benefits in Digestion

Chandanasava syrup serves as a digestive stimulator that improves digestion as well as stimulates hunger. However, it is also effective for alleviating frequent digestive problems including bloating, constipation, as well as indigestion.

4) Chandanasava Benefits in Male Reproductive Health

Chandanasava is an established natural remedy for enhancing the health of male reproductive (or sexual) organs. This syrup is helpful in the

  • Treatment of spermatorrhea and nightfall
  • Reduction in the infectious diseases of the male sexual organs
  • Improvement of fertility as well as libido

This herbal syrup when used along with Chandraprabha Vati, Rajat Bhasma, and Triphala gives the best result in the treatment of pyospermia.

5) Chandanasava syrup Benefits in Chronic Renal Failure

Chandanasava syrup helps to reduce the serum urea, serum creatinine, and serum uric acid levels (that are found to be elevated in kidney failure patients), when used along with Avipattikar churna and Chandraprabha Vati. This Ayurvedic combination also delays the further progress of the disease and provides relief from some Pitta symptoms like burning micturition, and heat sensation in hands and feet.

What Are The Side Effects Of Chandanasava Syrup?

Chandanasava syrup has no side effects if consumed as per dosha and in the recommended dosage. As a medicine, it is safe to consume.


Still, there are some precautions that you have to take while using this medicine:

  • If you have diabetes, you should only consume Chandanasava by maintaining the restrictions your physician gives you, since it has sugar content in it. Never forget to monitor your blood glucose levels.
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers must avoid this medication unless recommended by the doctor.
  • It is okay for children older than seven years to consume a lesser dosage of this formulation, ideally 5 -10 ml two times a day with an equal amount of water.

What is The Dosage of Chandanasava?

Chandanasava is considered safe at the prescribed dosage. The general recommended dosage of Chandanasava syrup:

For Children5 – 10 ml
For Adults10-20 ml

You can consume Chandanasava syrup twice a day immediately after a meal with an equal amount of water.

The appropriate dose of Chandanasava syrup may differ from individual to individual depending on severity, age, and health condition.

You should always consult an Ayurvedic doctor for the right dosage.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Chandanasava be addictive?

No, it is not addictive.

Can a diabetic person take Chandanasava syrup?

Diabetic people must consume Chandanasava syrup only after consulting a doctor, as this syrup contains Jaggery and sugar candy (Sharkara) as ingredients that may affect their sugar levels.

Can Chandanasava be consumed before or after meals?

It is advisable to consume this syrup after meals with water.

Is Chandanasava syrup available as an Over-The-Counter (OTC) drug?

Yes. It is available as an Over-The-Counter drug and you can purchase it without a doctor’s prescription.

Does Chandanasava contain sugar?

Yes, it contains sugar.

What is the source of Chandanasava syrup?

The source of this syrup is plant-based.


This article is intended for informational purposes only. Any information associated with this article should not be considered as a substitute for prescriptions suggested by local health care professionals.

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