Lohasava (Lohasavam): Uses, Benefits, Dose, Side Effects

Let’s dig down everything that one should know about Lohasava syrup. Here, in this article, we will discuss its correct dosage along with the medicinal, and ayurvedic properties, ingredients used, benefits, uses, and other essential factors. So, let’s get started.

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What is Lohasava (Lohasavam)?

Lohasava is an Ayurvedic herbs-mineral classical preparation available in the form of liquid. The other name of the tonic is Lohasavam. The name Lohasava itself gives an idea that it contains Lauh/loha i.e. iron. Therefore, this ayurvedic syrup is mainly beneficial for the treatment of iron deficiency problems and obesity. The naturally processed iron in this tonic also helps to pacify Vata and Kapha dosha.

This is a hematinic preparation that may

  • Help in the production of RBCs (red blood cells), or
  • Increase the production of hemoglobin in RBCs.

This syrup is generally well tolerated by most individuals and does not cause any side effects when consumed in the recommended dose.

Moreover, Lohasava syrup constitutes 4 to 10% self-generated alcohol. This is helpful in delivering active herbal components to the body.

According to Ayurveda, its Pitta-balancing properties help to provide relief from the symptoms of anemia. This syrup when used with other Ayurvedic medicines can be beneficial in liver-related problems (1)

It’s Pachan (digestive) and Deepan (appetizer) properties help in managing digestion-related problems. And Its Balya (strength provider) property helps to reduce the symptoms of fatigue.

Lohasava syrup is beneficial in many ways for people of all age groups and genders. But the correct dosage may vary depending on certain factors. So, you should consult the doctor before using this syrup.

What Are The Ayurvedic Properties of Lohasava?

According to Ayurveda, the properties of Lohasava are as follows:

Guna (Main Quality or Pharmacological Action)Laghu (light), Ruksha (dry), and Ushna (hot)
Rasa (Taste on the tongue)Madhura (Sweet), Kasaya (Astringent), Tikta (Bitter), Katu (Pungent)
Virya (Potency)Ushna (hot)
Vipaka (transformed state after digestion)Katu (Pungent)
Prabhav (Action)Haematinic
Dosha Karma (Effect on Dosha)Pacifies Vata and Kapha

What Ingredients Are Used in Preparing Lohasava (Lohasavam)?

Following are the ingredients that are used in the preparation of Lohasava syrup:

IngredientsScientific NamePart UsedQuantity Required
Loha Bhasma (or Lauha Bhasma)192 grams
ChitrakaPlumbago zeylanicaRoot192 grams
DhatakiWoodfordia fruticosaFlower960 grams
Shunti (Sonth or Dry ginger)Zingiber officinaleRhizome192 grams
Mustaka/ nagarmotha/ nut grassCyprus rotundusRhizome192 grams
Yavani (Ajwain or Carrom seeds)Trachyspermum ammiSeed192 grams
Kali Mirch (Black Pepper)Piper nigrum  Fruit192 grams
Pippali/ long pepperPiper longumFruit192 grams
Vaividang/ false black pepperEmbelia ribesFruit192 grams
HaritakiTerminalia chebulaFruit192 grams
BibhitakiTerminalia belliricaFruit192 grams
Amalaki (Amla or Indian Gooseberry)Emblica OfficinalisFruit192 grams
Gur (Jaggery)4.80 Kg
Shahad (Honey)3.072 Kg
Jala (Water)24.576 Kg

What is The Method of Preparation of Lohasava Syrup?

All the above-mentioned herbs are prepared in a coarsely powdered form.

Firstly, jaggery (Gur) is mixed with water, dissolved, and then filtered for waste particles.

All the remaining ingredients are added to it and stirred well.

Then the container is sealed and kept aside for fermentation.

After completion of fermentation, the contents are filtered out and the obtained liquid is Lohasava. It is stored in airtight glass bottles for use.

Medicinal Properties of Lohasava Syrup

The medicinal properties of Lohasava are as follows:

Haematinic i.e. increase hemoglobin levelsHematogenic i.e. helps in the formation of RBCsMucolytic
Anti-inflammatoryFat burner (or anti-obesity)Depurative (i.e. purifies the blood)
Cholagogue (means it promotes the discharge of bile)CardioprotectiveAntihyperlipidemic
AnthelminticAam pachak (means it detoxifies) 

What Are The Traditional Uses of Lohasava Syrup?

There are various traditional uses of Lohasava. Some of them are:

HrudrogaUseful in arrhythmia, and heart diseases
GrahaniUseful in IBS, and Malabsorption syndrome
ArochakaUseful in Anorexia
BhagandaraUseful in anal fistula 
ShvasaUseful in asthma, and wheezing
KasaHelps to relieve cold, and cough
KanduUseful in itching, and pruritus
PleehaUseful in splenomegaly
KushtaUseful in many skin disorders
Arshas RujaHelpful in relieving inflammation and pain of piles
Jatara rujaHelps to relieve abdominal colic
GulmaUseful in abdominal distension, and abdominal tumors
ShvayathuUseful medicine in many inflammatory conditions
PanduUseful medicine for anemia
Vahnikaram paramHelps to improve digestion strength and metabolism

What Are The Uses and Benefits of Lohasava?

Lohasava is mainly helpful for the treatment of diseases such as fatty liver, hepatitis, jaundice, cough, spleen enlargement, malabsorption syndrome, asthma, general weakness, and piles. Here, let’s understand the potential uses and benefits of the Lohasava syrup.

1) Lohasava Benefits in Anemia

Anemia is a condition in which there is a decrease in the total amount of healthy red blood cells (RBCs) or hemoglobin in the blood.

According to Ayurveda, anemia (known as Pandu Roga) occurs due to an imbalanced Pitta dosha, and Lohasava helps in reducing the symptoms of Anemia because of its Pitta-balancing property.

Also, this syrup is a good source of natural iron. Therefore, it is the best remedy to help restore hemoglobin levels.

2) Lohasava Benefits in Chronic fever and debility

Lohasava is an effective tonic to treat chronic fever and debility occurred due to fever. It includes typhoid fever and malaria fever too. The syrup helps in improving appetite as it is useful in increasing digestive fire (Pachakagni). It also treats conditions such as hepatomegaly and splenomegaly after malaria.

3) Lohasava Benefits in Jaundice

Lohasava is the best medicine available in Ayurveda for the treatment of Jaundice. It is even more suitable if a person experiences Jaundice along with diarrhea and has low digestive fire (Pachakagni). It removes the blockage, fat, excess Kapha, and other unnecessary stuff and helps in enhancing bile flow and its excretion.

4) Lohasavam Benefits in Obesity

This Ayurvedic tonic is widely used in controlling obesity. It significantly helps in reducing belly fat and promoting inch loss while increasing fat usability and metabolic rate.

Obesity and weight gain are also linked with Iron deficiency anemia (2, 3). Thus, for overweight or obese persons who also have anemia, Lohasava syrup can be the most suitable remedy for them. 

5) Lohasava Benefits in Bleeding Piles

Piles is a medical condition when the swollen veins outside the anus or inside the rectum cause rectal bleeding, anal itching, and even pain. It is also known by the term hemorrhoids. Lohasava is beneficial in the treatment of piles. Because of its rich iron content, it helps in fulfilling the deficiency of blood hemoglobin caused by bleeding in piles.

6) Lohasava Syrup is Beneficial in General weakness

General weakness is tiredness and feeling of fatigue and is known as Klama in Ayurveda. The major cause of weakness is the deficiency of crucial minerals in the body and the imbalance of Kapha dosha. Due to its Balya (strength provider) property, Lohasava is an effective tonic to fight weakness.

It also helps in gaining overall strength by fulfilling the requirement of important essential minerals, like iron.

7) Lohasavam is Beneficial in Indigestion

Indigestion is a state of an incomplete process of digestion. It is also known as stomach upset and dyspepsia.

Agnimandya is the term used for indigestion in Ayurveda. It is caused by the imbalance of Pitta dosha and is characterized by a feeling of discomfort or pain in the upper abdominal region. Lohasava syrup acts as an effective remedy for treating indigestion due to its Pachan (digestion) and Deepan (appetizer) properties.

8) Lohasava Syrup is Beneficial in Loss of Appetite

A condition when a person has a reduced desire to eat is referred to as loss of appetite or anorexia. It is caused due to weak digestion.

According to Ayurveda, loss of appetite occurs due to Agnimandya (weak Pachakagni or digestion). The Pachan (digestive) and Deepan (appetizer) properties of Lohasava help to treat loss of appetite by improving digestion.

9) Lohasava Benefits for the tongue

Destruction of taste buds in the tongue may occur in anemia. This can cause a loss of taste sensation. In Ayurveda, it is known as Arochaka.

Lohasavam may help in returning the taste sensation by acting on the cells of the tongue and helping in the regeneration of taste buds (4). But more research is needed on such claims.

10) Lohasavam Uses for the Heart

Irregular heartbeat patterns or palpitations are common in a person with anemia. If anemia does not get treated for long then it may also result in other heart problems. In such cases, consuming Lohasava may help a person eliminate the risk of developing such heart diseases (4). But, more research is needed to prove these effects.

11) Lohasava Uses for the Liver

There are studies that suggest that the Lohasava along with other iron-containing tonics is useful in protecting the liver. It may prove to be helpful for treating various liver conditions such as liver infections, liver enlargement, fatty liver, and jaundice (5). This syrup can also be used to lower the level of blood cholesterol and reduce the weight of the liver in the case of fatty liver.

12) Lohasava Benefits for Hair and Skin

Doctors also suggest Lohasava as an effective supplement for treating early greying of hairs, excessive hair fall, hair loss, acne, dark circles, blemishes, etc.

13) Other Lohasava Syrup Benefits

Lohasava has been used for treating many health conditions for centuries. It has various useful medicinal properties which help to treat conditions including fever, asthma, cough, and spleen enlargement (5). But, more research is needed to prove these claims.

What Are The Side Effects of Lohasava?

Though there is a lack of data and information when it comes to the side effects of Lohasava, usually people taking this tonic do not experience any serious side effects. But there might be some side effects seen in some people. These side effects include:

  • Distaste feel for a few minutes after taking the dose of Lohasava.
  • Vomiting or feeling of nausea.
  • Upset stomach
  • Burning sensation in the abdomen
  • Heartburn

Side effects of Lohasava if consumed in an excess amount

Following are the side effects of Lohasava if it is consumed in an excess amount:

1) Lohasava is rich in iron. If children below 6 years of age consume it in excess amounts, it may cause symptoms related to fatal poisoning.

2) Vomiting and gastritis are the results of an overdose of Lohasava in adults.

Use Of Lohasava in Pregnancy

When we talk about the usage of Lohasavam during pregnancy, then again there is a lack of information available. But when we analyze its ingredients list, it has ingredients having hot potency such as Chitrak, etc. The usage of such substances should be avoided during pregnancy. Therefore, pregnant women should avoid taking Lohasava syrup or take it only after consulting with their doctor.

Contraindications of Lohasava

Lohasava may not be suitable for people with the following health conditions:

  • Peptic ulcers
  • Mouth ulcers
  • Iron overload
  • Inflammatory diseases, such as Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative Colitis

Precautions to be Taken While Taking Lohasavam

If you are already or going to consume Lohasava syrup for getting its best health benefits, then you should read, understand and follow these precautions carefully.

1) The person taking Lohasava should follow general precautions which are required for other medications too.

2) Additional vigilance is required while giving this syrup to elderly people as well as small kids.

3) Pregnant women and lactating mothers also require some special care while taking this syrup, and should take the dosage of Lohavasa only after consulting with their gynecologist. 

4) Lohasava syrup contains sugar content; therefore diabetic people should take it with special care. They should check their blood sugar level on a regular basis while taking this syrup.

5) If you are taking any allopathic medicine, then it is advised to seek your doctor’s advice. In case, both Ayurvedic and Allopathic medicine are prescribed together, then it is better to keep at least a gap of 30 minutes between the consumption of both medicines.

6) Lohasava usually does not react to any dietary supplement. But it is always better to follow the health care provider’s guidelines.

What is The Dosage of Lohasava?

The recommended dosage of Lohasava is:

  • Adults should take a 10 to 20 ml dosage.
  • Children should take a 2.5 to 10 ml dosage.

The maximum possible dosage of Lohasava in a day is 60 ml. 

Ideally, Lohasava should be taken twice a day by mixing with an equal quantity of water. The best time to take this medicinal syrup is immediately after consuming food.

So, we have discussed every needed information about this useful Ayurvedic syrup called Lohasavam. Generally, it is safe to consume and can provide relief from various health conditions. But it is always recommended to consult with your health care provider before taking any medicine to eliminate any future risk.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is The Shelf Life of Lohasava?

The shelf life of this Ayurvedic syrup is usually 10 years from the date of manufacturing.

Who Are The Manufacturers of Lohasava?

The main manufacturers of Lohasavam are Nagarjuna, AVP, Arya Vaidya Sala, Baidyanath, Dabur, Sandu, Zandu, and Kerala Ayurveda Ltd. 

What are The Storage and Safety Requirements for Lohasava?

Following are the storage and safety requirements for Lohasava:

1) Keep it in a dry place to prevent it from retaining water.

2) It should be kept away from heat and direct sunlight.

3) Store the bottle at room temperature.

4) Keep it away from the reach of children.

How do you take Lohasava syrup?

Lohasava is a liquid Ayurvedic preparation and its recommended dosage is as follows:

Adults10 to 20 ml
Children2.5 to 10 ml

Your Ayurvedic doctor will prescribe you the correct dosage according to your age and health condition. It should be taken twice a day by mixing with an equal quantity of water.

Can a diabetic person take Lohasava syrup?

Diabetic people must consume Lohasava syrup only after consulting a doctor, as this syrup contains Jaggery and honey as its ingredients which may affect their sugar levels.

Can Lohasava be consumed before or after meals?

It is advisable to consume this syrup after meals with water.

Can Lohasava be addictive?

No, it is not addictive.

Does Lohasava cause drowsiness?

No, it does not cause dizziness or drowsiness.



1) Hepatoprotective activity of navayasa curna and hasava combination


2) Treatment of iron deficiency anemia induces weight loss and improves metabolic parameters


3) Impact of diet and weight loss on iron and zinc status in overweight and obese young women




5) Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis of one Ayurvedic antiobesity medicine, Lohasava




This article is intended for informational purposes only. Any information associated with this article should not be considered as a substitute for prescriptions suggested by local health care professionals.


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